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heads up

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A few heads up about rush~~ . Theta and zeta are the ones who tend to dirty rush. Beware -- they tend to rush hard, put on VERY good performances and girls on, and then bid promise/ not give bids once prefed. Don't think you're secure in either on pref night. These two tend to be very competitive. KD tend to be a little more reliable, they don't take their rush as seriously as the other 2. They tend to be a little more laid back and do not rush girls quite as hard beforehand. They tend to be on probation more because they don't take things as serious but better that than lead girls on too much. Things seemed to be tough because of national stuff this year but all that aside they are not quite as intense in recruitment weekend as theta and zeta. Anyone can get a bid to tri delta. Count on that In terms of tiers most people can agree that DDD is still building and not as strong as the other 3 it's personal opinion about whether KAT/ ZTA / KD is the strongest. In my opinion ZTA did the best this year with Theta and KD not far behind them (KD really struggled this spring) but all 3 are great and have their strengths. And the order really changes every year and you can't say ones much better than the other. Theta tends to be very involved think student gov/ admissions/ orientation staff / award winner girls), zeta tends to be very social, pretty and athletic, and KD tends to be sweet/ approachable.
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