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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />keep those closets organized<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Have your closets become a space of never ending clutter that you are afraid to dive into and clean out? You are not alone. Closets are one of the most important features of a home, but they contain a lot of wasted space due to lack of organization. Sometimes bins and baskets are not enough to keep a closet clean, but if you have smaller closets it might not seem like you have room for anything else. Here are several ideas as to how to make the most of your closets no matter the size, and keep them organized all the time. Creating a closet plan Before taking everything out of the closet and becoming overwhelmed by the mess of clutter you have to fit back into it, it is a good idea to come up with a solid plan of what purpose you want your closet to have. If it is a clothing closet, determine if you need more drawer or more hanging bars. Use a tape measure to determine how much space you have to work with to see if you can install shelving or a dresser. According to Better Homes and Gardens, closet systems are a smart way to keep closets organized, and they can be installed in even the smallest closets. Making a plan will keep you from becoming overwhelmed by the mess that comes with cleaning out your closet, and will keep your sights on the finished project. Maximizing closet space Closet space is vital, not matter what size you are working with. If you already have a small bedroom, consider fitting your dresser into your closet to create more space in your
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