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Poster Name:
ADPi for life

Poster Message:
Like the previous comment stated, I am so proud to be an ADPi. For all of you who post negative comments maybe you should take the time to see the great things that these women are doing. We reached our goal GPA for spring semester (3.14) and are fully involved with our philanthropy, Ronald McDonald House Charities. During a visit at the Ronald McDonald House in Spokane, a little boy battling cancer told me how happy he was that we were visiting him. These are the things that make me so happy to have committed my life to ADPi knowing that we put a smile on someone's face. ADPi has made me the best person I could be and my sisters mean the world to me. I know what my sisterhood values and I couldn't be happier to be surrounded by so many intelligent, excellent, and genuine women. I love Alpha Delta Pi with all my heart and a silly ranking will NEVER change that. ADPi is a true sisterhood, like family. I consider these women my family and I would give my life for any one of them.
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