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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />attention peasants<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I just wanted to say that I am actually better than everyone in my entire chapter. I am way prettier, smarter, funnier, and a much better winner than all of these other girls in my chapter. Come to think of it, I am better than everyone in sorority village altogether! If it were up to me, I would just get rid of all of the other girls so that I would be the only member in every chapter on campus!! Then I could own 13 beautiful mansions which I would rotate living in throughout two weeks, 13 times the sorority shirts that I already own, AND I could win every competition ever created on this lame campus just by showing up! I would even perform 13 different times all by myself for things like Greek Beat and Lipsynch! Just in case anyone was wondering how I really felt about my chapter and Greek life on this campus. The answer is ALWAYS "I am better."
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