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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />frat rankings with reasons<br /><br /> Poster Message:
1. AGR- Smokey 2. KA- They had a slide at their darty 3. BYX- every girl's dream man 4. Pike- Tailgates are litty 5. SNU- pretty boys 6. Kappa Sig- they do be vibin tho 7. Sigma Chi- nice pretty boys, can't wait for them to come back 8. SAE- like sigma chi but not as great 9. DTD- litty tailgates, but also kinda scary 10. Sig Ep- used to be fun, RIP 11. ATO- guys are cute but scary, everything always smells like cigs 12. Beta- the best parties, boys are not great 13. Fiji- like beta but worse 14. Phi Delt- Irrelevant but not as irrelevant as the rest- guys are fun 15. Pong- irrelevant, but the pink drink slaps 16. AEPi- yeah 17. Theta Chi- creepy guys, good playlists at parties, but they don't actually exist 18. Phi Tau- who 19. Phi Psi- who 20. Chi Phi- for the love of God someone get them off row 21. FarmHouse- FarmHouse 22. DKE- who
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