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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />spring rush (fraternities)<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I'm a transfer sophomore here at UTk and missed out on fall rush. I am hoping to attend the spring rush, which is next week, and I was hoping I could get some suggestions. I'd like to find a fraternity that has the right balance of academics and social life. I'd love to go out to social events and party every week, but i'd also not like to find myself in a fraternity that cares only about this. I'm new to all of this, so simply put I would just like to find a respectable fraternity that does get involved socially. I'm an easy going guy and very social once you get to know me, but I can be reserved when I first meet you. I want to go to mixers, but I do not want to be drunk every night. Also, if anybody knows where to find out the schedule of events for spring rush that would be helpful. The utkifc site is a mess and I can't seem to find anything up to date.
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