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Frat opinion

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Top sorority ranks <br /><br /> Poster Message:
As a guy in a top frat, here’s my take on top sororities Aphi: the hottest girls, but the most disliked. Mixes a lot with everyone, I don’t really think of them as having one fraternity that they have claim to. As far as sororities go, definitely does the most with gphi. Not super involved, generally has a pretty low gpa, doesnt value much more than looks, but otherwise know how to have a good time. Gphi: the best likable to hot ratio on campus. Generally considered where alpha phi girls go when they care more about sisterhood than looks. But this also means they definitely have some questionable girls in the mix. Mixes a lot with everyone too, but I generally think of them with sig chi a lot. Pretty involved, usually highest gpa when it’s not theta, and an all around great sorority. Theta: probably (definitely) hotter than gphi, but also probably as disliked as aphi. Have had a really tough run recently but I think/hope they’re getting it back on track. Does everything with phi delt which sort of makes sense considering they’re both widely disliked. Sort of known for their bad sorority relations, so they definitely keep to themselves. But definitely the most involved, highest gpa, and a solid sorority.
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