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...After Preference Night, you rank the 3 houses you visited in order of which you'd most like to join. If you rank every house you visited as a house you would accept a bid from, then you are guaranteed a bid the next day. If you don't list every house you preffed, you can still receive a bid, but it is not guaranteed. When you arrive at Bid Day, you will receive only one bid, and that sorority, if you choose to accept the bid, will be yours for the remainder of your Berkeley career. Throughout the recruitment process, PNMs and sororities participate in a mutual selection process that determines which houses you visit the next day. Sometimes you visit houses again you originally wanted to drop, sometimes houses you liked don't ask you back, and sometimes you have fewer houses on your schedule for the day than someone else. That's all okay and normal. I had all of those things happen to me during my Fall Formal Recruitment, and I still couldn't be happier with my experience in the sorority I ended up joining. My advice to anyone reading this is to stick it out through FFR, even if it's frustrating or disappointing or stressful for you. It's one week out of four years, and the Greek life experience is worth the headache that recruitment can be for some people.
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