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You'll get a lot of this information during Fall Formal Recruitment orientation, but I'll give a brief run-through. Basically what a visit to a house consists of is talking to various women in each house - you're trying to get an idea of them, and they're trying to get an idea of you. There will probably be a skit, a song, or a presentation of some kind. The first day is Unity Day, which focuses on being Greek in general. Every sorority woman will be wearing the same Cal Panhellenic shirt. You'll visit all 13 houses. The second day is House Tours, during which you receive full tours of the physical houses. You'll visit up to 10 houses. The third day is Philanthropy Day, during which each house will provide a presentation on their national philanthropy and their on-campus efforts to support it. You'll visit up to 7 houses. The fourth day is Preference Night. Each sorority will have one last presentation showcasing their house, and you'll hopefully be having the deepest and most meaningful conversations on this night, since this is the last chance you have to get to know members of these sororities before one of them becomes your sisters. You'll visit up to 3 houses. (Continued in next post)
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