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You can dirty rush still but you will never be recognized by nationals. Even if pike comes back, they will not recognize anyone that currently affiliates with them at UM. They are on a temp suspension until 2018, however the school is talking about permanently kicking them off as they did at FIU. If they current "members" continue to dirty rush and keep a "presence" the school and nationals will either push the suspension further or completely get rid of it. UM administration doesn't like Greek orgs and the only thing that was holding pike a spot at Miami was the $14mil property that is now under contract with Alphasig, who are trying to buy it out. I would recommend having ur dad talk to other alumni and nationals to see what's up, I'm giving you info based on my connections with UM admin but I'm sure he can get more info for you. Sucks man, I know what it is to be legacy and it's not far you can't get that too. Best of luck bud!
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