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Poster Name:
Another View

Poster Message:
KKG – Courageous. Gentle women who ignore a shameful amount cyber bullying to focus on things that really matter. Tri-Delt – Diverse. Comprised of individuals unique enough to be interesting. Chi-O – Trail blazers. Not afraid to change the world. You go girls! ADPi – Patient. After the attention-grabbers have all crashed and burned, ADPi’s will still be going strong. Slow and steady wins the race! ZTA – Giving. Motivated women who focus significant energy on contributing to the greater good. One of them will probably be your boss someday. SDT – A Blank Slate. Write yourselves a worthwhile story, ladies. DPhiE – Lots of Potential. Once the Deephers get past their unhealthy preoccupation with looks and status, they will have a lot to contribute the world. DG – Cookie Cutter. As a group, alarmingly indistinguishable, relying heavily on appearance for validation. On America’s Next Top Model, Tyra Banks would chop off the typical DG’s hair to try to make her more distinctive.
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