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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />good things about all the houses<br /><br /> Poster Message:
People on this site are so negative towards other chapters. I'm not saying I'm above that all the time(let's be real, everyone on this site self ranks their own chapter), but it's such a bitter representation of the phc community because no matter who you are, you have friends in every house. So yea for anyone looking to rush in the fall, know that the Greek community is a lot stronger and less catty than this website makes it seem. And here's a couple good things about all the houses: AXO: very friendly and sweet girls. You'll never meet a catty or drama-starting girl in this chapter AEPHI: super tight sisterhood-- with EVERYONE. They're a small chapter so they really know each other inside and out AOPI: still new but already rocking at others' philanthropies. They come out hard and strong XO: well rounded, girls next door. Also known for philanthropy (their own especially) and sisterhood Tri Delt: these girls ROCK philanthropies, every single time. I don't think I've ever seen less than 20 tri delts at a philanthropy DG: super athletic, pretty, and typically very genuine Theta: kills it at scholarship related stuff. These girls get killer grades KKG: partiers but they go 150% for their philanthropy & won the philanthropy award at greek awards Pi Phi: partiers but 150% for community service & likewise won the community service award SK: partiers but very, very genuine people. These girls will say what is on their mind without holding back (in the best way possible
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