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Poster Name:
pan love

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Stop Hating on Here and Actually Support Each Other<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Honestly I have been seeing so much hate on here especially with recruitment coming up. I understand that this whole website is so people can get an idea about what each chapter is like, but it has turned into everyone just bashing each other to benefit their own chapter or chapters self ranking. I think we need to be kinder to each other and support each sorority and hope they also get a great PC! At the end of the day life is too short for everyone to be so awful towards each other, it’s literally not that deep. I know this is cheesy but it’s true. Sororities are supposed to be about supporting your philanthropy, your sisters, and each other. So maybe everyone should remember that before going off on here. Also to girls thinking about going through recruitment: Go in with in open mind. That is the best advice I could give you. The experience is supposed to be fun and a way for you to make friends. Don’t pay attention to half the stuff you see on here.
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