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Just saying

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Honest opinion here no hate ladies … tri delt is a top house but last pc class was not attractive wth happened?! Years ago they had so many hot girls. Majority now is white basic blondes but they have a few very attractive dark haired girls and some pretty Hispanics and black girls. zeta is way more diverse than tri delt and more LBGQ accepting. zeta and ddd both have insta cool girl influencers and they can be very cliquey. KD are very sweet and can have a good time and go out but also wake up for their 8am class. very put together vibe. Lots of hot cheerleaders and dazzlers. delta gamma has a gorgeous house, moved up in rank, well liked by frats paired with ato for hoco, they like to go out a lot, this is good if you want to have the “college experience” and also be in a sorority but tbh you can do that in any top or mid tier sorority. Theta, AOPi , axo, chi o, Dz, alpha phi, pi phi, kkg all good houses that will give you a great college experience. Depends on what vibe you want. Most mid tiers are reported to be much more inclusive and not as cliquey. miss uf 2024 is a member of kkg, although they are still on probation for hazing. Dphie aephi and aoii have lots of jewish girls. AOPi is the most chill. Very Fun to party with. Theta has a lot of jersey/Miami party girls. Adpi has a reputation for having many christian “good” girls. Very diverse, friendly, smart and won chapter of the year. Although there was a big thing with their dream girl during a speech last year when she call called Miami ghetto and now she’s in some show. Adpi and KD rep for being the nicest and most requested houses. phi mu genuinely nice people and just not a lot of attractive girls. (Frat Nickname is mooos unfortunately) sigma kappa, aephi and Gphi accept just about everyone and are typically considered most inclusive and some nicest girls.
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