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Poster Name:
Word is bond

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />for fall frat pnms<br /><br /> Poster Message:
If you are rushing a fraternity in the fall, my advice for you is to get off this website. UF greek life has a problem with being really full of itself, so people will come on here and leave self rankings and **** on other frats for no reason but pride. If you are smart about rush, you will do a few things: - Don't play yourself up, we can see right through it. If a guy during rush only talks about how much they drink they get annoying as ****. - Every frat wants to have the type of conversation you would have on a couch. Talk about your interests and have a real conversation like you would with your friends. The last thing we want is a guy who is always in interview mode. Chill. - When you get a bid, hold it. Once you have the piece of paper, you have all the power. If you feel like you found your spot, accept. If you have any doubts at all, continue to rush until you have all your options laid out in front of you. Overall, the best thing you can do for rush is know somebody. Make a friend in a fraternity and if they vouch for you your chances of getting a bid increase by a lot. Good luck in the fall
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