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Poster Name:
not, @Nice Try

Poster Message:
Quota isn't set until after pref parties. There is no way quota was 'lowered' as only one quota number was ever set. Quota may be guesstimated prior to recruitment based on the # of pnms starting rush, but if a huge # of those women quit before signing bid cards then a smaller actual quota will occur. As conjecture only: Fall 2016 had 800 pnms start (guesstimated quota 100 based on 800 pnms divided into 8 houses) with 500 pnms attending prefs but only 400 signing bid cards, and all 400 bid so announced quota with 8 houses would have been 50. Then in Fall 2017 there were 1000 pnms starting (guesstimated quota 125 based on 1000 pnms divided into 8 houses), with 500 attending prefs but only 360 signing bid cards, and all 360 bid so announced quota with 8 houses would have been 45. PNMs have multiple personal reasons for not wanting to sign a bid card. We may even have had fewer pnms this year than last, which may have led to Fall 2017's actual quota number of 35 being smaller than 2016's 38. We bumped house total from 104 to 144 due to consistently high formal quota #s, and added Theta on campus, by 2015. Now it remains whether our system will keep pnms interested enough to add the Delta Gamma colony by 2020.
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