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Poster Name:
phi lam

Poster Message:
Phi Mu: Good at rushing girls but they aren’t the way they seem in real life. They seem classy and girly in rush but it’s usually girls that get cut from the better houses. Party animals. Sigma Kappa: They used to be major goody goodies but they’ve gotten kind of crazy. They smoke a lot. They’re good at rushing girls and they aren’t usually judge mental. The normal girls are pretty and they’re involved but they won’t try to be friends with you if you’re not in sigma. Alpha Chi: Crazy. They’re fun though. If I didn’t care so much about my reputation I would have went Alpha Chi. Kappa Delta: They’re kind of the popular girls. Some of them are rude, but most of them have been nice to me. This sorority looks the best on paper. They always have the most OSLs and Student Recruiters and Homecoming members, so if that’s important to you I would keep that in mind. Tri Delta: They’re new. No one really feels one way or another about them. They aren’t very popular or social but their sorority is really good nationally so I guess it would look good on a resume. I think the whole newness thing would probably make it easier to get a exec position but that’s just a guess. Tri Delt was the only house that gave me a bid so I dropped out of rush but I joined Phi Lam which is fun. Even if you think you need to be in a sorority to survive, that’s not the case, there’s a lot to get involved in.
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