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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />These are TRANNIES aka TRANSGENDER LOSERS<br /><br /> Poster Message:
These are TRANNIES -Dorothy Wang -Emma Roberts -Donald Trump -George Clooney -Taylor Swift -Travis Adams -Heidi Klum -Sofia Richie -John Stamos -Mercedes Javid -Jessica Alba -Caroline Bell -Savanna Sleep -Savannah Slotkin -Julia Moshy -Andrew Warren -Sandra Bullock -Michelle Obama -Anthony Bundak -Barack Obama -Shannon Henschel -Andrew Shanfeld -Bennett Hirsch -76% of SX. The rest are BARBIE BOYS -17% of KKG -Caitlyn Ciara -The Franco brothers -Layla Rashid -Brad Pitt -Julia Roberts -Tom Cruise -Chace Crawford -Kaylee DeFer -Jessica Jane Farrow -Blake Lively -Zac Efron -Paris Hilton -Nicole Richie -Leighton Meester -Alex Bento -Matthew Settle -Ed Westwick -Sara Foster -Jonny Drubel -Lakshmi Mittal -Hrithik Roshan -Adam J Rubin -Cassandra Jolton -Shelley Allen -Natalie Jackson -Kaity McCulloh -Every LXA -Harrison Ford -Juliet Wells -Sneha Jha -Lexi Kuehner -Berenice Briet -Angelic Nambo -Sahar Azartash -Gilda Pashai -Serena Marron -Katie Oltendorf -Frank Fertitta IV -Michelle Say -Chelsea Jackson -Jay Luchs -Sean Connery -Lilly Foulard -Harrison Litvack -Michael Douglas -Tony Lobel -Alex Lobel -Lilly Ghalichi -Ree Drummond -Tyler Florence -Fadi Zaya -98% of vltuns -63% of West LA youth -70% of RKOI -Salma Hayek -Danielle Epstein -Lorena Rae -Dennis Boeer -Nastia Sobol -Sako Aghazarian and Justine Penrose (the 2 criminals in history books that hacked into my brain) -A lot of the kids who overdosed themselves to get me in trouble for picking drugs up legally (all 804 are in history books as criminals who overdosed themselves to get me in trouble) -Hillary Clinton
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