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Advice of frat sweetheart

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Ok, I am a girl but as an official chapter sweetheart of one of the fraternities on campus, I feel like I know the guys in my chapter well enough to give you some advice: First, investigate yourself and your personality. Each fraternity is unique and wants a different type of guy. You can't be liked by everyone. No one can. That's not just for frats and sororities but in life in general, as well. Focus instead on being the version of yourself that you can be. Be authentic and happy being who YOU are. You should then decide which fraternity matches your most important moral values. Base your decision on three things 1: their open core values as listed on their national website 2: whether or not the brothers act out those values in their lives or not 3: your personality compatibility with the brothers of the chapter that matches your values. (Ie are you more extraverted? Then, you would do better at a chapter filled with more extraverts than introverts. The opposite is true if you are an introvert.) Concerning your question about meeting brothers, meet someone who is a Mutual friend of one (or hopefully more than one) of the brothers and you. It could be someone from class or someone in one of the clubs or sports teams of which you may be a member. Politely ask that person if he or she can introduce you to the brothers Hope this info helps. Best luck at rush.
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