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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />proof that chi phi did not self rank<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Hello. I am a REAL brother of Chi Phi and I give you my word that no one in our brotherhood self-ranked. Yes, we saw the posts erroneously made in our name and were surprised, saddened and a little upset. I talked to a number of my brothers and literally NO ONE knew of anyone in our house who was responsible for the insane number of posts. The last poster from our brotherhood whom we can confirm as was in very late 2018. I am not chapter President so I am only speaking for myself, but I want to go on record and state: of all of the many brothers with whom I spoke, we in NO WAY support people posting in our name. Actually, I don't see any of the posts actually claiming to be someone from Chi Phi, only the subject headline sometimes being Chi Phi. I personally think that someone is trolling us at our expense. PLEASE DO NOT hold any of the posts against my brothers or me since all of us are genuinely innocent. The same goes with Delta Delta Delta. I talked to many Tri Delts and it is obvious that someone or some people are trolling the both of us. It is my opinion that the reason why Chi Phi and Tri Delt are being targeted is because we are easy targets, due to US being the least popular fraternity and sorority on campus. Chi Phi and Tri Delt would NEVER say anything bad about ANY other organization. We both outright condemn the negative postings about other brotherhood and sisterhoods at Lafayette. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, A REAL Chi Phi
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