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Everyone knows that the top tier spot has and always will be a battle between AST, DZ, and ZTA. And that's that. Plain and simple. Until phi sig and theta make some serious social (not grades,not philantrophy, not recruiting- social is what both of them need work on right now) improvements, then thats just how it's going to stay. After this semester, I would say the CURRENT rankings are: AST, Phi Sig, ZTA, and Theta. Im not putting in DZ cause i feel it is unfair to rank them when they havent been active in two semesters. But I guarantee after spring semester, rankings will return to normal and ZTA will surpass Phi Sig. I am calling it now that it'll be: AST, ZTA, DZ, Phi Sig, Theta. The only reason I put ZTA infront of DZ is because they'll probably need a semester or two to get back on their feet and what not. Then they will definitely be above ZTA. AST has held the top position since DZ got kicked off. With DZ coming back it will be hard to say if AST will be able to maintain it or not.
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