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As far as the general sentiment on campus, this probably isn't far off. I would take Alpha Chi out. They can call themselves a sorority, but they aren't anymore. I would move Sigma Kappa and Chi Omega up a bit, I don't think people give either of them enough credit, there are cool girls in those houses. And Sigma Kappa just held a philanthropy event. The whole tier thing to me is not accurate, at least not at URI. When it comes down to it, the houses are basically broken into two groups-"hot" and "pretty/average". I think it's nice that you put things like philanthropy and housing into your reviews. When it comes down to it, things like that do nothing to affect the "top" houses reputations. Alpha Phi or ADPi could do no philanthropy, and frats would still think they were hot and want to hang with them, end of story. Like you said--Alpha Chi has no house and isn't recognized, but here you are, still counting them with everyone else. You can pretend other stuff makes a difference, but appearance is what this ranking stuff is all about, anyways, so lets just be honest about it.
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