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honest opinion

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TKe, and Phi Psi are the two dominant houses Sammy has numbers and few good parties...thats about it ATO is group of solid guys and definitely made a good impression on the greek community this past year Sigma Chi is hated by alot of people but thats because of a couple douchebags....other than that alot of the guys are fun. Beta, as said before has fallen back, but they have a good group of guys that could turn that around Kappa Sig has grown a lot these past couple of years. Nice, fun group of guys Sig Ep, although different from the other fraternities, they're still strong and very involved DTD, overall nice group of guys who again stay involved on campus Its hard to judge cause you cant base a house off of one person you may have seen from a particular house. Every house has their cool, solid group of guys mixed in with some douches, nerds, or whatever.
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