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Poster Name:
Fraternity Member

Poster Message:
Honestly, if you're looking to join a fraternity, join the one you see maximizing your college experience. Whatever that "experience" means to you. I am in a fraternity that is rated extremely well on this site, and I could honestly tell you as a member of that fraternity that if you wanted to go and join Triangle because you felt comfortable there and thats what you wanted you wanted than do it. Everyone joins a fraternity for their own reasons, people knock TKE and Phi Psi etc.'s involvement, well... a majority of those kids did not join to go to community service, they joined for the brotherhood and the parties, people knock sig ep and fiji for not throwing parties all the time, those kids joined their fraternities for reasons other than throwing ragers. If any freshman is looking at this site, figure out what YOU want. My fraternity gave me nearly every moment that sticks out in my mind throughout college. Basically, join what feels right for YOU. Dont join for the rep
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