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To continue what I just said but had to stop do to posting limits: I think if let's hypothetically say an objective panel of observers of the greek community who are not affiliated with any organizations put together rankings, they would come out a lot more different than these rankings. By all accounts, these rankings seem to strictly be based off the social atmosphere of a fraternity. I'm in a sorority. A sorority that is commonly known to be a "hot" sorority and on this site is ranked rather high. What does that Mean? Delta Zeta for example is always involved on campus and contends for greek week, etc... Yet, since they don't have "the hottest" girls, they are constantly rated lower. I think these ratings are an unfortunate microcosm of our greek community. The best are based on beauty and brawn, not brains and how well-rounded they are. As I said before, my sorority is rated high on this site, but it's probably because "frat boys" think we're "slammin" and solely that.
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