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Well obviously the IFC has an agenda. Why are/were Phi Psi, Sammy, Sig Chi and TKE the best fraternities on campus? Because they've been this way for many years now. When you're the best, you only recruit the best. So many people want to go out for those fraternities meaning they can be super selective. When a fraternity gets kicked off (or chapter reviewed) and then comes back, the best rushees probably don't want to spend their first 2 years etc on strict social probation. Now these fraternities can't pick the cream of the crop anymore and have to settle for just OK guys. That's what's preventing Delt, Phi Delt, Kappa Sig from rising up to that elite level. Sure they have plenty of cool/good looking guys. But because they're "mid tier" they also have plenty of weirdos. Sure the "Big 4" have their weirdos too but it's far and in between compared to the rest. Basically Delt, Phi Delt and Kappa Sig can get top tier status but it takebe a few years of good recruiting.
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