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It really depends on what you are looking for in a house. Some sororities have stronger sisterhoods than others, higher academic standards than others, and in my opinion better philanthropies than others. On the second day of rush, you can rule out some houses that give off bad vibes or hope to gain popularity with other sororities. Although, I was looking for certain qualities in each sorority and didn't find it right away. At the beginning, go with your gut feeling. If it feels right put them at the top of your list, and vise versa. If AGD gives off a good vibe put them at the top of your list. Just remember to keep an open mind about ALL sororities and be nice to everyone! And the recruitees are just as nervous, or possibly more nervous than you. And quite frankly, nothing is worse than talking to someone who is not nice or if its like talking to a brick wall. Often times girls do this when they know they want to be in one house and they give other houses no attention. You may not get your top house so you don't want to get dropped by every other house just because you were being rude. You may find like many others, that your 2nd 3rd or even 4th choice in the beginning is the house you are meant to be in. Although this was long, i hope it was helpful. Good luck with recruitment and S'co beavs!!
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