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Poster Name:
The teller of truths

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Read this if you’re rushing <br /><br /> Poster Message:
Hello potential new members, I am a proud member who has actively participated in NAU Greek life for a year now, and am here to offer up some advise that you wouldn’t know otherwise unless you were In my position. When looking at which fraternity to rush you will here lots of talk about who is the “Top house”. It is a very common phrase chapters will cling to as there are many bragging rights that are reaped from this title, however at NAU the “top house” is figurative. It is literally determined by random girls or guys who anonymously post their own opinion on discussion forums such as this one. Just because a fraternity is top house means they throw good parties. Many of the “top houses” in general seem like they are the best fraternities to join, however the best parties don’t speak for their respective fraternities as a whole. Sometimes a house is considered the top while at the same time their brotherhood all hate each other and argue constantly. When you rush you should look for a group of guys that you feel you belong to the most and share common interests with. When rushing, you can base your decision on two things: what some random GIRLS who party want, or what YOU want. Dwell on this thought and use as much time as you feel is necessary to make your decision and make the most out of wherever you go. Good luck!
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