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Real List

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Here is a list that is in no particular order of the reputation and stereo type of all the fraternities at UNT. KA - Middle of the road. Nothing super exiting and nothing super great about them. Nationally they are great, but it seems like here at UNT they have sputtered out. Some of the younger guys are what the fraternity needs to climb the ranks and gain the respect they need. There parties are 50/50 its either a boom or a bust. There spring PC was a flop, seems like they needed guys bad just for the dues FIJI - Lower end. They got some cool guys, and some off the wall guys that you can tell they needed for the dues. Nationally FIJI is great. There recent spring PC was a bust, got a lot of guys, but got a lot of randoms too. Parties are 20/80, more than likely it'll be bro out with some girls. KSIG - Lower Middle. They have some cool guys, but a majority of this chapter is filled with fist pumping, fohawked geeds that think they are frat because they wear letters.
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