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First of a junior very involved with recruitment in the fall, I can say we had around 600 girls who rushed and the amount of girls taken depends on the number of girls who went to Pref night. Not every girl get s a bid, because sometimes they don't fit with any organization. It's equally as hard to get into any organization. It depends if they want you. As far as hazing goes, I can vouch and say a majority do not. The local sororities can do whatever they want because they are not governed by a national headquarters. (No one wants to have happen to them what happened to AST.) Dues depend entirely on the organization. There are fees that need to be paid to nationals and then the rest is budgeted to use for the year. Locals can charge whatever they want because they again, are not governed. Every sorority is different. You can't say some are better than the others because that is just how you define an organization. If you want partying and boys and whatever, then look for that in a sorority. If you want sisterhood, look for that. Others will say some suck and some don't because its how they define what a good sorority is. Look for what you want, and you will find it.
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