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Poster Name:
Coastal Sorority Girl

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />to all pnms. please read<br /><br /> Poster Message:
If a pmn is on this site, I would recommend getting off it. I am in a so called "lower tier sorority". But I can tell you when I attend any one of our events or simply hanging out with my sisters, it certainly doesn't feel lower tier. Try to go through recruitment with an open mind and ignore this stupid tier stuff, because on bid day you will be grateful you did. The process is about meeting new people and hopefully meeting friends for life. And I can tell you without a doubt, I've found that. And if you are worried about social events or meeting guys. Don't be. I am plenty social (with my sisters and other organizations). I also don't have trouble getting a date to a function (Guys love functions, and if you are a chill, cute and intelligent women, they will leap at the chance to go with you). Just take college as an opportunity to get out there and join multiple organization. Branch out. Find what makes you passionate. Because remember, college is more than a social scene or who you are dating, or how popular your sorority is. Its about finding yourself and figuring out what you want to do once you are out of college. Just some advice for you all!
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