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to drop or not?

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />need some advice please<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Okay so I'm posting here because I don't really have anyone I can talk about this with. I rushed last year and joined a sorority that I really loved at first but now I'm not sure how I feel. I'm realizing that I bought into all the ranks/reputation and when I first joined, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. But now I feel so lost because the show that we put on during rush, doesn't reflect our chapter at all. There is so much meanness and pettiness. The younger girls are scared of the older girls. My pledge class is full of cliques and no one really talks outside their groups. My first semester, I was a little uncomfortable and didnt find a group right away, but I thought I was fine. I did make some friends in my pledge class, though. Then, spring and summer semester I had to go back home for personal reasons and was not on campus much. When I came back this fall, my friends from my pledge class had formed their own exclusive group and girls treated me different or just ignored me. I can see the exact same thing happening with our new pledge class. I feel like a stranger when I go to our house for meals. I want so bad to like my chapter again but I'm starting to feel like this is hopeless. I really don't want to drop but I'm considering it. The thing is, I still have 3 years left at GT and I dont know what else I would do because I wanted to be in a sorority so bad. I guess I would just like some advice on what to do please.
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