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Just posted this on another thread bashing chapters for self ranking, but Greek rank is the most pathetic website. I literally come on here to try to spread some sort of positivity so PNMs dont look at this and become completely discouraged. If any sorority is being talked up a lot on this website, it's because they're self ranking. Similarly, if any sorority is constantly getting dragged - it's probably their closest rival. I.e. Alpha Phi and Alpha Xi, and ADPi/ZTA/Phi Mu. Any post dragging Alpha Phi was written by Alpha Xi and vice versa. Any post dragging ZTA or ADPi or Phi Mu was written by one of the three. Stop acting like you don't self rank. If you come on this website and post something, it's for your own agenda. Self righteous posts like this one, and many others on this site, are dumb. People writing these things and making such awful claims about one chapter are just as bad. Thanks ZTA/Phi Mu/Alpha Xi... since we all know one of you posted this.
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