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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />don't be a sheep- think for yourselves<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I am sick of seeing people, especially girls, tearing each other down and writing incorrect opinions posed as facts about sororities that they don't like, either because of personal issues with the chapter or members, rejection, envy, or (possibly the worst one) a group you know nothing about. You cannot accurately label a sorority or a group unless you 1) know members personally, or 2) (the most accurate judgement) are a member of it. We need to promote our own chapters and other chapters in a positive light. GreekRank just isn't doing that for us. PNMs if you're reading this, don't believe GreekRank or anything of the sort. You don't know who is posting what and if there is any truth to it. Chances are, it's untrue. Just go into your recruitment experience with a clear head. Follow your heart because you know what feels right. Ignore the made up tiers and rankings. Find your home on your own true terms.
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