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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />advice<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Let me give some advice to everybody going through recruitment! I have been on every side of recruitment (pnm, chapter woman, and pi chi) and I will give you my honest perception of recruitment. Girls get upset because they get dropped from certain chapters they thought they liked and wanted, but from what I saw a lot of stress comes from feeling the need to tell your friends your schedules. Whatever you do, don't share your schedule, not on day 1 or day 4. Just keep t to yourself. What you have on your schedule is your business only (and if you want to talk to someone talk to a pi chi). Also I will say this because I heard it from another pi chi and it is so true. At BU all chapters are very similar. All are diverse. All chapters have cool girls, pretty girls, mean girls, nice girls, shy girls, weird girls, party girls, studious girls... etc. if you think otherwise then you just give into the stereotypes instead of getting to know the actual women! This is the absolute truth.
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