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This problem is not going to resolve itself. You cannot expect privileged white teenage girls to fix generations of systemic racism. What needs to happen is that every chapter must be REQUIRED to take a set number of POC PNMs. Required - or else they cannot exist on campus. Baylor says that 37% of students are minority - if you assume that's evenly divided between men and women, you can half that and get a reasonable expectation of what representation should look like in sororities. Then reduce it just a bit to reflect that many minority students will understandably have no interest in being involved in majority-white organizations. To me, 12% would be completely reasonable (and once chapters reflected the actual demographic makeup of the campus, more POC students would be interested in joining). Whites will go on and on that quotas don't work, but that's because they are desperate to defend the entrenched racism that benefits whites so richly. It is through force and force only that change will happen. \n\n\n\n\n
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