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AGD will be amazing as always and hold their top spot. Zeta disappointed last year, however I don't think they'll do any worse than last year. Wouldn't be surprised if they did well again SigKap's been struggling all year and with their older girls who really know how to recruit gone, they could fall DZ did better in 2015 than 2014, but they don't have it in them to get back to where they were a few years ago APHI is the upset of the year. Definitely moving up in rankings and very high demand from freshmen AST will be neck and neck, as always, with Alpha Phi but they just haven't put themselves out there the way aphi has this year, and that will probably put aphi above them this year. GPHIB has been going down but they're working so hard to make their comeback, I believe it will work out for them AOII is still struggling and it's hard to give them the benefit of the doubt after not seeing much improvement for the past year but hopefully with the knowledge they gained from last year's recruitment, they will do well
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