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Poster Name:
Satisfied Sophomore

Poster Message:
I do agree that 'Barnard Bimbos' is an unfair term although there exists a certain rep on campus about them. There are many accomplished women who attend and will go on to great success. Granted however, the facts are that ED at Barnard is in the 40th percentile with an overall AR of 25% versus Columbia's 6%. Statistically, it is harder for a freshman female also competing against males to be admitted to Columbia versus Barnard, for whatever it's worth. As for recruitment, for me it was tiring, shallow and overall not enjoyable. I didn't love any of the groups although I did like Theta's parties slightly more than Deeg with the others below them. But, I did not make either of their lists and at that point was distraught. I subsequently have become friends with outstanding women in all of the sororities and have heard their troubles over the year, sorority life is far from perfect and I know they all agree. Freshmen that are disappointed, I have been there. I feel your pain but I am relieved I didn't join as jealousy, gossip, pettiness, competition and drama exists in each of them. With time, I think that you too will be relieved, trust me.
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