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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />the issue with theta...<br /><br /> Poster Message:
everyone talks about this privately but no one shares it publicly so here goes yes theta has a strong national rep. at cu though, it's mostly girls putting on a front. they're all about taking pretty pictures, but there isn't much substance behind the pictures. they have a ton of infighting and drama, and a lot of sisters in the sorority who don't feel welcomed and dislike their experience. the sorority is made out of a power clique (always has been, always will be) who are very publicly visible, but if you don't fit into that clique you're a nobody in their minds (and if you do fit into that clique maybe you're trying to be somebody you aren't). that's how things like thetagate and their election debacle happened in the first place... the clique decides and everyone else goes along with it. doesn't sound like a strong sisterhood. also, the fact that they go around calling themselves "top house" shows the fact that they don't understand what columbia greek life is actually about. greek life here is about so much more than who gets the most likes on social media and arrogance. to be fair, this does not apply to all, there is a group of girls in theta who are great, but are very hidden and silenced. the clique definitely sets the tone of the sisterhood
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