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Not funny

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The people here saying that the Theta thing "wasn't a big deal" are probably Thetas trying to mend their reputation. Though a few of these comments seem like racism isn't taken seriously here, it definitely is and you shouldn't feel discouraged from coming here because of their actions. Yes, there can be ignorance in the overall Columbia community, but I've found that people are generally a) not ignorant and b) willing to learn more about things like privilege to better themselves as people. Also, though I love Greek life and highly encourage you to go through recruitment, don't think it's the only way to get involved on campus! There are tons of groups and clubs you could join, including a few Latina-specific ones (Mujeres is the first that comes to mind). There are also multicultural sororities, with a Latina specific one, Sigma Lambda Gamma, which does a ton of awesome work. I've met so many incredible women from SLG and you should definitely check it out if you're interested.
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