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Not unfair

Poster Message:
It is only unfair if you are a PNM who is close-minded and not open to all of the chapters. The system is set up to give the largest number of bids to the entire system & so that all chapters have a large pool of AMAZING new members. In the "olden days", girls would go to the most selective houses for 3 days in a row & then get dropped right before preference parties from those houses. They would then quit rushing altogether because they would feel heartbroken. And then the newer chapters on campus would miss out on those girls because they just dropped. Now, the Kappas & ChiO's of the world will make large cuts in the beginning (for grades, resume, connections), so a PNM who will have only been at their house once for 20 minutes wont get their heart set & have an opportunity to take a good look around at the other AMAZING houses she has left. That is why tiers, ranks and other BS doesnt apply as much here at Arkansas! All houses are amazing because they all have plenty of pretty/smart/fun leaders on their bid lists! Does it sting to have your invite list drop? Yeah, it does....but the options left to you are what you make of them.
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