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This is such an accurate post! I would like to add a thing about connections greek girl touched on when she said your “ connections” may not think your a good fit. I have said this previously on this site but I will never forget the girl who was in my group who loudly announced multiple times a day “ I am going to be a zeta! I have lots and lots of friends who are zetas!” Then with a scowl on her face complained about standing in a line at a lower tier house and “ wasting her time”. I wish I was joking but this is a true story. So guess what? On pref day when she was fully expecting to see zeta on her schedule she did not. She had two houses. One house that is usually ranked “lower middle” and one lower tier house. It’s mean I know but myself and some other girls in my group thought about how karma is real and she was now going to pref night for the very house she announced was a “ waste of her time”. So please pnm’s keep your opinions to yourself during recruitment. You don’t want to have to eat your words like that girl did! And yes ALL houses have awesome girls!! Y’all will see that during recruitment. IF it happens in August!😩🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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