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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />fast food ranking<br /><br /> Poster Message:
in all honesty here are the tiers Top: McDonalds: old money, but seem to be falling off a bit Chipotle: kinda the new guys on the block but been steadily moving up the ranks Cook Out: good but seem to take advantage of girls when they are drunk Bojangles: the funnest group to hangout with after a night of heavy drinking Up MId Taco Bell: definately getting better, need to shake their old rep of taking advantage of drunk people Waffle House: decent, but they have the occasional weird brother and are very "colorful" Hardees: off campus but still hangin in there Arbees: really fun sometimes Low Mid: Subway: always looks good from the outside but end up getting disappointed Wendys: somthing has been off with them for the past few years Bottom: quiznos: alot of people didnt even know app has a quiznos, but they arent all that bad Long John Silvers: noone really knows why or how they are still around, we think they must just hang in there by laundering money
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