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Everyone hates them. Not really sure why. It's always been that way. They're called Phi Moo, yet two of them are professional models - none of this stupid A&F "model" crap either. A Phi Mu sister was Homecoming Queen just last year. And they all know how to party. I'm not saying they're perfect. Even if they were, people would still call them Phi Moo - apparently no one has originality here because people call them that everywhere. Just like everyone all over uses the terms Easy DZ, A Chi Hoe, etc. Does Phi Mu have girls who are a size 6 or 8 instead of a size 0 or 2? Yes. But there are no sororities out there whose girls are all a size 0 or 2 - they just hide their big girls in the kitchen during rush, at the back during dances, or don't event let them come out to things. Phi Mu is proud of all of their girls for what they bring to the table. I think they're a solid group. Could use some help just like every sorority at UH, but at least they have some sweet, hot, and active group of girls with a great sisterhood.
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