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Poster Name:
Help please?'19

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />transfer student/ will receive a.a. this may/18 yr<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Are fall transfer students typically welcomed and likely to receive a bid if they have things to offer a particular sorority?( SGA, Senior Class President, leadership in numerous clubs, community service awards, honor societies, volleyball, etc...) Based on last year's 2015 recruitment approx. what percentage of the girls who went through recruitment actually got a bid from at least one sorority? Finding a lifelong sisterhood is extremely important to me during my college years and beyond. I am not a legacy, but will have recommendation letters from my teachers, aunts, friends, and that were in/currently in most every one of your six sororities. Curious how recruitment with transfer students works for transfer student w/an A.A.? Thank you for any input or suggestions.:)
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