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Student Student

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />stop the drop<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Based on the threads from other posts, there is definitely a problem with the sorority situation and girls dropping. Last year and this year it appears that most sororities had to offer less bids in order to allow DZ to ramp up. But the problem is that DZ-- being new and only having a few members and getting no real hep from the faculty overseeing the greeks change this, has been given a negative label by many. I have no doubt that DZ would welcome many of the gdis, and there are many great looking, funny, smart gdis that need to be brought together to make this work. This could be a real win/win for all involved, but we need help to make this work. The faculty has said that the gdis do not want to be brought together, I for one do not believe this. Let's do something about it and make BU more fun for everyone!! Ideas strongly encouraged!!
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