
sorority social media


I looked at all of the MSU sorority Instagram, Facebook, and websites today. Why are almost all groups posting tons of pics of members on vacation, mission trips, studying abroad, etc.? As a PNM that doesn't impress me at all because your sorority has nothing to do with where you travel or how you spend your summers. It looks like everyone has members in Europe, Africa, New York and Washington! I also don't get videos that are staged with members blowing bubbles and glitter or twirling in circles on the beach. I don't see that as part of real sorority life. Sure it's pretty and makes a good video but I'd rather see a video of true day to day interaction such as mealtime, sporting events, or philanthropic events. If I'm missing the point please explain it to me.

Posted By: PNM
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That is just what social medias for sororities all over the country do....if you have a problem with it then don't rush!

By: well
by: ???   

Sure hope you aren't a member of my group'

By: ???

How you spend your summer can be hugely linked to your chapter. While the sorority might not have planned the trip, it could be a huge part of how you spend your summer. Your pledge class bestie might be from another state and you visit each other and see a new city you wouldn't be able to without meeting her through the chapter. Or you might have went to the study abroad table with your sisters and that's why you decided to travel this summer. Same with mission trips. It shows that sorority life opens doors you MIGHT not get to experience otherwise. Even the Panhellenic page encourages girls to send in pictures with #myletterstookme to show how sororities only add to your life. As well as the blowing bubbles part, I think the videos show the strong bond between sisters. Because I know for my chapter, they got in different groups, in which they always hang out to film the video. I notice most sites show all the different aspects, from bonding to philanthropy, but you have 10x more pictures from hanging out than the annual philanthropy event. Your thinking is in the right place to focus on philanthropy and involvement...just wanted to show you a different way to view things! Hope you Have a great recruitment!!


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National Council and MSU Pan have a #MyLettersTookMe hashtag to promote where sorority girls go, their sisters, and philanthropy. Chapters and the Panhellenic account are posting pictures for that.

By: Panhellenic
by: Yeah   

I get what the OP is saying. t would be more honest to say #ITookMyLetters not #MyLettersTookMe.

By: Yeah

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