
chi omega discussion


Chi Omega sorority chapter comments at Mississippi State University - MSU

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 2 of 24

I never remember Chi O having problems meeting quota when I was in school. What happened this year with not making quota?

By: why?

They made freshman quota but not the new upperclassman quota which mainly consisted of girls transferring from community colleges. My guess was this was by choice as it was with the chapter in my home town. Chi O's consistently pledge girls who stay active all four years of college, not drop out after a few like many sororities. They still have the largest chapter on the MSU campus.

By: info

No, honey. Chi Omega is not the largest chapter at MSU. Go do some research and find out who it really is. I'm not gonna tell you because then you'd just bash the chapter who really holds that distinction. But, you're wrong.
And, if all chapters are pledging girls who are upperclassmen (i.e. cannot 'give' all 4 years) then Chi O does not lose anything by pledging them in the upperclassman quota. What they did this year by their flat refusal to even look at pledging ANY upperclassman was snobbery of the highest order. But, they'll figure it out eventally when everyone else's chapters are so much bigger than their own. It won't take but about 3 years, max.

By: To INFO:

I know for a FACT that they were the largest chapter at the beginning of the year ... if not now it is only by a very FEW members. No need to worry about me bashing the other chapter ... I know exactly which chapter you are referring to. I don't bash other groups, not worth my time. I evidentally touched a nerve with you though.

By: Strong reaction???

I'm sitting here giggling at your obvious lack of inside info and the fact that not taking upperclassmen is hurting no one but Chi Ho! baaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa!

By: Strong stupidity!

If this weren't so bizarre, it would almost be funny! I've been thru Chi O initiation. With my hand on the Bible, I can swear to you that there is NOT a coffin involved!! LOL! Nor do we pretend to die and be born again into Chi O! It's a great rumor, but is simply an urban legend that has been around forever! Hate to burst your balloons, but Chi O is based on strong Christian principals in which Christ is our Saviour.

By: Jodi

To continue to answer the misinformed...The skull and bones was used by many American College fraternites & soroities founded in the 19th and 20th centuries.A well known example of this is the Skull and Bones Society at Yale.It is used as a religious reference to symbolize Golgotha, the place of Jesus' crucifixion.My hope is that some of you aren't Greek, because you should be educated enough about the system as to not believe such crazy rumors. Independents tend to thrive on this. To present day students, please spend more time studying for your tests than you have researching the Chi O pin. You failed at your attempts to slander the sorority and its members. Time for you to go hit the old Mitchell Memorial for a few study hours. You will not succeed in the real world believing everything you hear. I'm still not sure WHY you care so much about Chi Omega. I think I detect a major chip on a few shoulders.

By: Jodi

Oh, honey - if you have the time to come on this board and self rank Chi O while giving all 1s to the competition you lost great girls to last fall, then you've got more problems than this silly ranking. Maybe spend more time rushing the girls you want and you'll make quota next year.

By: To Jodi:

Please tell me you're not seriously comparing Chi O at MSU to the Skull & Bones group with origins at YALE?? Are your arms tired yet from reaching?


y'all are silly. stop arguing. Love you :)

By: xo til I die-o

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