
chi omega discussion


Chi Omega sorority chapter comments at Mississippi State University - MSU

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 18 of 24

There you go again trying to defend Chi Omega's FAILURES. It's really, really funny - keep it up. We're doubled over from the laughter. You're a joke!

By: @truth

Same here at your obsession with Chi O.

By: @@truth

Why don't you try to disprove her comments if it's sooo funny. FACT is that you can't. Chi O and DG keep members, other groups don't.

By: A DG here

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Chi O CAN'T make quota.


Have not looked at this site in months. Without a doubt someone has an obsession. Sounds like a broken record. Funny thing is that Chi O and KD are really close and supportive of each other. They get along well on campus.

By: Wow

It is sad that Chi Omegas cannot just accept and admit their failure to achieve quota. The last time they made it was 2009. Fact.

By: Sad

A CHI O! You need to accept the fact that what they say is TRUE. Chi O at MSU and Ole Miss choose to not take the full number of upperclassmen quota. I really don't get your obsession with this. Honestly ... no one cares but you. Chi O has remained a top 2 group despite this choice and are also a top two group as far as number if active members. Actually if they can take fewer upperclassmen and still have more members than everyone but DG, more power to them. GIVE IT UP!


If CHI O would just prove that they can make quota by actually DOING IT, then this would not be an issue. Fact is that they've NEVER made upperclassman quota, dispite inviting upperclassmen to every round of rush. CHI O NEEDS TO QUIT THEIR LYING!! Everybody knows it's not true and it is making them look even worse. Numbers don't lie...and CPC officers talk. I'm just sayin...


You really do have issues and have some strange obsession with Chi O. As others have posted ... Chi O has no reason to lie and if COC officers are talking there could be big consequences for them. In my opinion you should think before you post. Time and time again people who are not Chi O's come on here and call you out. I'll give you one thing, you are persistent. But - no one is listening to you.

By: Obsessed

FACT: The Office of Greek Life at MSU can tell you who makes quota and Chi O didn't - and hasn't since 2009.

FACT: Chi O invited the appropriate number of women to all rounds of their recruitment and FAILED to make quota. It was beyond their control.

By: quota

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