
chi omega discussion


Chi Omega sorority chapter comments at Mississippi State University - MSU

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 12 of 24

Great to hear that Chi-O had a very successful rush! How many pledges did you get?

By: CC

Does anyone know how the new upperclassman quota thing worked out? Heard that they were implementing a new system where freshmen and upperclassmen were considered separately.

By: MaryW

There was an upperclassman quota this year but I have not heard how that turned out. So many girls went through Recruitment that I feel sure that most of the sororities met their quotas.

By: @MaryW

Someone told me that quota was 68(don't know for sure). Don't know if that number includes both underclassmen and upperclassmen. I like the idea of having a separate upperclassman quota because sometimes sororities overlook the older girls because they want girls who will be there for four years. Some girls have transferred in and this is the first time that they have gone through and deserve to have a chance to experience sorority life too. I wouold like to hear others opinions about the upperclassman quota and how you like it. Any thoughts?

By: @CC

I agree with you that the upperclass quota is a good thing. So many girls do not pledge their first year because they don't know enough about sororities and don't know which group they would fit in. I wish that we, like Ole Miss, would wait and have Rush later in the semester so girls can see the different sororities in action on campus and can make a more informed decision. Recruitment here is SO fast that the girls can't really get a feel of the groups and vice versa. I know some colleges don't even let freshmen pledge. That is not a bad idea either. I have had two girls pledge sororities, one at State and one at another college, and I know how confused they were. They would have definitely have benefitted by waiting a year to pledge.

By: @@CC

Congratulations and best wishes for a great year from your sisters at Southern!

By: Epsilon Delta

it is not unusual for a legacy to be cut these days. often it is due to the large # of legacies and also most often , the fact that many of the girls have long-standing friends in the sorority of the legacy. in some schools, legacies are not as important as they used to be. just because you are a legacy and were cut, it does not necessarily , by any means, say that you were not good enough for that sorority. all of your sororities are good, established national organizations and are worthy of membership, not just a few of them.

By: jill

Chi O got 76 wonderful ladies. Yes, that means we didn't make quota, but that's fine. We're okay with that and who we got.

By: @numbers

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a separate quota for incoming freshmen and another for everyone else. Chi O chooses to nit extend the full number of bids for the non-freshman quota. Their National does not recognize this quota, only the freshman quota. I understand that the Ole Miss chapter did the same thing last year. They may catch a lot of flack for it but it's their decision. Quality over quantity as far as Non-freshmen are concerned.

By: They now have

The incoming MSU class of 2011 is one of the most academically talented and leadership driven classes the school has had in quite a while. Same to be said for the incoming transfers - some of whom I know personally! So, I cannot understand why Chi O would PURPOSE to under-bid any classification of student?? That just makes no sense to me. There were plenty of outstanding, beautiful, and overly-qualified women who pledged other groups - why didn't Chi O pledge some of them?? If they're not careful they'll wind up doing COB with the under-performing groups for a spring pledge class.

Just not sure I see the wisdom in that decision, given the strength of the PNM pool this year...? I mean, you say quality over quantity "as far as non-freshmen are concerned." Why single out that group? If Chi O is choosing not to make quota with one classification of student, then why didn't they choose to do the same thing with freshmen? Just doesn't add up.

By: @they now have

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